

First Aid Kit: A Must Have For Every Dog Parent


Dogs are not robots! Sometimes they get injured and experience pain like you and I. Other times, they fall ill and need urgent medical attention. As a dog owner, you need to be able to care for your dog when they need you most. 

In this article, we are going to show you why having a first aid kit for your dog is a must, and what you should keep in it for emergencies.

What Is A First Aid Kit?


A first aid kit is made up of items used to keep an injured human (or animal) stable before proper medical treatment. It is used to treat minor injuries like burns, bruises, cuts, scrapes, and more.

The kit comprises different medical supplies and small equipment that vary depending on who or what they are meant for. A first aid kit for humans might not contain enough items for treating a dog and vice versa.

What Should Be In Your Dog’s First Aid Kit?


Not many people think dogs need a first aid kit. Only a fraction would agree that dogs should have their first aid kit for the few who do. But the fact is, dogs are not humans. You can’t treat them with ibuprofen!

Not having a first aid kit that can barely help your dog is like not having at all. When you’re getting a first aid kit for your family, get a dog first aid kit for your dogs too. Here’s a list of items to include in your dog’s first aid kit.

● Blood clotting powder

● A bottle of saline with any other wound disinfectant

● Cotton tipped swabs and cotton padding roll

● Non-stick bandage pad, tape, hand-scalers and wipes

● Gauze roll, bandage tape, splints, and scissors

● Hydrogen peroxide, activated charcoal, Benadryl, and antibiotic ointment

● Gloves, lube, tick remover, and syringes

● Hair trimmer, tweezers, and thermometer

● First aid manual

Why You Should Have The First Aid Kit For Your Dog


With a first aid kit, you can help your dog through what would have been a difficult experience. Imagine your dog has to walk around the house with its wound unattended. This is not what we want.

Why don’t we take a look at why you need a first aid kit for your dog, specifically situations it can remedy?



For A Healthy Mouth

Your dog’s mouth needs to be protected from diseases like halitosis, gingivitis, and more. 

Dogs chew a lot, which is why they are prone to store particles in the roof of their mouth. Brushing your dog’s mouth every day can reduce the risk of particles lodging in your dog’s mouth.

However, some of these particles can not be removed with just a dog toothbrush. You’ll need first aid materials like hand-scalers for fine particles (getting a few good chew toys can also help break tartar from your dog’s tooth). With a well equipped first aid kit, you don’t have to worry about doggie dental issues.

For Cuts And Wounds

Dog cuts and wounds need urgent attention whether or not you go to a vet. This is why you must have a first aid kit for your dog. 

The truth is, you don’t even need to do much to get things under control. Use some blood clotting powder to stop the bleeding. Then you can clean the wounds properly with disinfectant spray. You can also use bandaging to ensure the wound remains moist. This simple treatment can save your dog from infected wounds (but don’t be afraid to take your dog to the vet if you’re unsure the wound has closed!).





To Manage Burns

Dog burns can result from fire, hot water, or any other hot material. Dog burns can cause severe skin damage when neglected, so you need to be prepared. 

For most burns, you should clip the hair of the burned area and clean the spot with saline. You may also apply sulfadiazine ointment before covering the spot.

Dog Poisoning

Don’t worry, your dog can eat apples… as long as they don’t come from Pawlificent!

Poisoning is something every dog owner should worry about. In 2010, the U.S Animal Poison Control Centre reported that it received about 167,000 calls regarding pet Poisoning. The fact is that many people do not even know some common household items like chocolates are poisonous to dogs.

To be clear, you should absolutely take your dog to the emergency vet or call a poison control hotline if you think your dog may have gotten into something toxic. However, if you have activated charcoal on hand you can quickly give it to your dog after exposure which could reduce poisoning symptoms (make sure you talk to the vet or hotline before you do anything else!).







Eye Problems

Dogs are known for using their eyes to communicate. A study reported that dogs could stare at the eyes ofhumans for up to 40 seconds. Thus, there is every reason to worry whenever your dog is having discomfort in its eyes.

Dogs are usually restless when particles like grass seeds, pollen, or any other object get into their eyes. If you notice that your dog is rubbing its eyes more often than normal, there may be something wrong. Ordinarily, you should take the dog to see the vet if any problems persist for more than a day. However, having a dog first aid kit can certainly help. With an eye flush, you can easily get rid of the particles from your dog’s eyes. In addition, you can apply artificial tears (eye drops) to the affected eye to prevent irritation.

For Broken Nails

Dog nails are made up of blood vessels and nerves known as “the quick”. When a dog suffers a broken nail or a cut in the quick, it is very painful and the damage can be serious (again, you should see a vet as soon as you can).

However, basic medical care helps you ease your dog’s pain. If your dog is bleeding, you should wrap the foot with a towel. Remove the damaged part with a clipper from your dog’s first aid kit and apply antibiotics. This should keep the dog stable until you see a doctor. If you’re unsure how to proceed your vet may be able to guide you over the phone on anything you can do before you come in to see them.







If only all bugs could be this cute

Dogs suffer from different types of bites, and they can include any of the following:

  • Tick bites
  • Insect and Bees
  • Dog bites
  • Other animals

For dog bites, you should see a doctor immediately to protect your dogs from rabies. However, in other cases like insect bites, administering first aid treatment can help. Using a cold compress can reduce swelling and irritation, and the same can be said for hydrocortisone cream.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of how helpful first aid kits can be. Do you have anything in your “fur”st aid kit that we missed? Let us know in the comments.