For us city dwellers especially, discarding our dogs’ waste doesn’t inspire much thought; we take the doggy bag, pick it all up, and throw it in the nearest trash bin. However, the aspiring eco-conscious may be encouraged to think critically about this method. Dog waste often ends up in landfills, and when combined with the trash bag, even biodegradable poop bags can take ages to decompose. From recycled baggies to flushing it down the toilet, there are a number of different options for disposing of waste. However, before we start, let’s cover some of the things you SHOULDN’T do:
DON’T Throw it in the Trash
Don’t throw dog poo in that green bin, and definitely don’t throw it down the garbage chute of your building. The fecal matter will likely end up in a landfill, which means very little decomposition. It can also end up on other items in the trash, meaning bacteria can spread faster and further.
DON’T Compost it (without precautions)
Puppy waste typically contains pathogens that can actually harm you, which is why you should wash your hands immediately after you deal with any animal waste. This also means that you definitely don’t want this stuff in your regular home compost, which you might be used for edible plants. If you’re set on composting your dog’s waste, however, you can always make your own pet-friendly composting bin, or buy an in-ground dog waste disposal, which could always be used as fertilizer for decorative flowers and plants.