Dogs are irresistible with their contagious affection and love. We’re hopeless against their puppy dog eyes and warmth, and sharing food and giving treats becomes easier and easier the more time goes on. But, to have our little joys stay with us the longest they can, it’s important that we also support them with ingredients for a healthy life.
So, what can we do to make our dogs shed a few pounds? It’s the same recipe as it is for us humans, consuming fewer calories than we burn. However, there are some tips and tricks we can incorporate into our canine’s life to help.
Issues With Obese Canines

Before we go into weight loss tips, let’s look at why obesity is detrimental to your pup. There are a handful of issues that come along with obesity for our furry friends. Dogs who become overweight are more likely to suffer from medical conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Immune Dysfunction
- Cancerous Tumors
These conditions lead to severe issues, and the best way to combat them is with prevention. When we develop ways to help contribute to the success of a healthy lifestyle for our pets, we’re helping enrich their quality of life – just as they do ours.
5 Ways To Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Losing weight is all about the balance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Here are some quick tips to consider when helping your pup shed a few pounds.