Dog parents know how quickly your pup will break out the puppy eyes as soon as you start to make a snack.
Whether your dog is the shadow to every move you make, the ready floor vacuum for any dropped crumbs, or the begger stealing glances at the food in your hand, most dog parents know the feeling of being watched while snacking. It can be really tempting to share some of our food with our dogs – and the general rule of thumb is not to share table scraps with your dog.
Not only can fatty or novel foods upset your dog‘s gastrointestinal system, but a lot of ingredients and seasonings we use are toxic to dogs as well. However, there are a few dog-safe foods that you CAN share with your dog – in moderation of course.
Remember that treats shouldn’t make up more than 10 percent of your pet’s daily calorie intake. If you’re not sure how much that comes out to for your pup, be sure to talk to your vet at your next visit for their recommendations.