The Doggie Bowl
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Searching for "Brett Shorenstein"
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results
Advice from the DOGtor | Fleas, Giardia, Separation
Dr. Brett Shorenstein (aka The Dogtor) is a general practitioner and owner of Abingdon Square Veterinary Clinic in New York, NY. He is a USDA-accredited Veterinarian whose professional interests include…
As Told by Brett the Vet: 9 Ways to Vet your Vet
The truth is that many people just choose a veterinarian or animal hospital by who’s in the neighborhood—are they close by? Can they see my pet soon? But it’s important…
6 Best Vets Below 14th Street in 2022
It’s so hard to find the right Veterinarian for you and your dog when there are so many to choose from! That’s why we did the hard work and found…
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results