The Doggie Bowl
Discover advice and tips from experts on how to be the best dog mom or dad to your furry best friend your dog! We even have stories from dog parents like you and fun ways to celebrate our pooches. Search by category or tags to find the best content for you.
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Dear Mary Puppins: Building Confidence and Trust with a Fearful Dog (step-by-step guide)
Erica Salinas (aka Mary Puppins) is a certified dog trainer and owner of Salinas K9 Training in NYC. If you have something you want to ask Mary Puppins be sure to email us at jamie@dogspotted.com!
As Told By a Vet: The Best Dog Bowls for your Dog
People don’t often think about dog bowls, let alone think there are better and best dog bowls for your pet. They’re sitting there quietly, minding their own business. But if you were to take a microscope to the party of…
Doggy Dental Care: 7 Most FAQ’s
Just like us humans, dogs need to have a healthy dental care routine. Why is it important? And what happens if you ignore brushing your dog’s teeth? Whether you’ve never stopped to think about canine oral care or you’ve attempted…
A list to keep: 5 Dog Friendly Plants and 5 Not So Dog Friendly Plants
We’re all enjoying the fresh air outside and want to take a little of it with us home by bringing indoor plants into our space. It helps rejuvenate, destress us, and recycles the air we breathe. Our plant babies are…
3 Tips for Taking Professional Dog Portraits with Any Camera
If you are anything like me, your camera roll is filled with daily snaps of your dog. While these candid photos are often funny or sentimental, sometimes you want to take a more professional portrait of that you can proudly…
5 Simple and fun ways to bond with your dog
You love and loves you, but have you wondered how much of a bond you and your dog have? Dogs have the ability to create lifelong bonds with their owners and form a relationship like no other pet can, but…
5 Reasons You Should Brush Your Dog
Life tends to throw us a lot of curveballs and, unlike our canine companions, we may not be great at “catching” them every time. The point being, our lives can be pretty chaotic sometimes. When facing adding another thing to…
16 Places in NYC Where You Can Take Instaworthy Pics of Your Dog (guaranteed lots of likes!)
All dog parents are guilty of taking way too many pictures of their furbabies (#itme) and I have no regrets! If you live in NYC and would like to take ’s photos to the next level, here are a few…
Train Your Dog To Run With You
Are you considering a new canine addition to your family? Do you want a furry friend to do those morning runs with you? Luckily you can train a dog to run with you (provided they are the right breed). It’s…
Is Your Dog Ready For A Dog Sibling?
One of the more unforeseen symptoms of the COVID-19 pandemic was the doggie fever that struck millions of people across the world. That fever shows no signs of burning out and many homes, including those with existing dogs, continue to…