The Doggie Bowl
Discover advice and tips from experts on how to be the best dog mom or dad to your furry best friend your dog! We even have stories from dog parents like you and fun ways to celebrate our pooches. Search by category or tags to find the best content for you.
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5 Things to Know Before Adopting a Chihuahua
There’s no denying that Chihuahua’s are adorable and incredibly loyal, which is why they are always such a popular breed. Unfortunately that popularity can be their downfall in some ways. Many Chihuahua are born within puppy mills daily, causing them…
Why Does My Dog Cry?
Have you ever wondered why your dog cries? This crying, which is more appropriately termed whimpering or whining, is your dog’s way of communicating many different things. There is no exact canine behavior that translates to the type of crying…
What is Animal Physical Therapy?
Firstly, a little bit about us – Amicus Animal Rehabilitation is a mobile physical therapy company based in Portland, OR that caters to providing rehabilitation/physical therapy to everyone’s best friends: their pets! Whether dog or cat, Amicus brings all the…
10 Must-Have Items for the Perfect Summer Kit for Your Dog
Summer is a glorious time to soak up the sun and get more outdoor time with . Think beach trips, hikes, summer camps, and picnics! While you’re busy having fun, don’t forget to ensure that your dog stays healthy, happy,…
Tick Prevention & Removal
I don’t know about you, but I do not like bugs. Typically, my fear increases exponentially if it can sting or bite me, so you can imagine how I feel about bugs that burrow in your skin and hang on…
As Told by a Vet: Top 4 Reasons to Spay or Neuter your Dog
What is spaying and neutering? A spay is the surgical removal of a female dog’s reproductive organs (including the ovaries and uterus), and a neuter is the surgical removal of a male dog’s testicles. “Fixed” or “altered” are some other…
The Latest Discovery About Grape Toxicity In Dogs
There are several foods that we know are totally safe for humans, but are toxic to dogs. Grapes (and raisins, which are just dried grapes) are one of those foods that we have known can be very dangerous. While veterinarians…
Teeth Brushing 101
Did you know that you’re supposed to brush your dog’s teeth three times a week at a minimum? Because I sure didn’t. Veterinarians actually suggest brushing twice a day, just like you (ideally) do for yourself. Brushing is important to…
Dog Kibble… How Good is it REALLY?
There is such a vast amount of kibble types on the market and all have significantly different ingredients, but is any of it really that good for your dog? As a dog owner, I’ve thought about this many times myself…
5 Ways To Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Dogs are irresistible with their contagious affection and love. We’re hopeless against their puppy dog eyes and warmth, and sharing food and giving treats becomes easier and easier the more time goes on. But, to have our little joys stay…