The Doggie Bowl
Discover advice and tips from experts on how to be the best dog mom or dad to your furry best friend your dog! We even have stories from dog parents like you and fun ways to celebrate our pooches. Search by category or tags to find the best content for you.
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Dog Meetups in NYC
Are you looking to meet other dogs that are just like yours? We’ve curated a list of NYC dog breed meetups so you no longer have to keep researching! This list continues to grow as dog parents decide to create…
Questions For Vets: Top 10 most common questions
At All Ears Veterinary, we are committed to excellent pet parent communication. We always encourage our clients to contact us with any questions we have, so that our trained nurses or doctors can assist you. We are also always happy…
Ask a Trainer: The Importance of Hierarchy of Dog Treats
Dog training can be frustrating, especially when you have a dog who isn’t incredibly treat-motivated! Trainers tell you to use their dinner as training rewards, but your picky eater just isn’t interested enough. We’re here to tell you about the…
What to expect at Spay and Neuter Appointments
Learn what to expect at spay and neuter appointments, and the benefits of how this procedure can affect your dog’s health and happiness!
How to Train your Dog to go in their Travel Bag (and love it!)
As obsessed dog parents, we want to take our dogs everywhere with us. But how can we make the process smooth? For little kids, a bribe of a new toy may do the trick. For dogs, it’s not that easy……
As Told By a Vet: The Best Dog Bowls for your Dog
People don’t often think about dog bowls, let alone think there are better and best dog bowls for your pet. They’re sitting there quietly, minding their own business. But if you were to take a microscope to the party of…
Perks of Adopting a Dog In NYC: Free Services and Discounted Offerings
Adopting a dog in NYC is a big responsibility. Rescues take finding the right home for their adoptables very seriously and they want to ensure that these dogs are with the right family. But their support doesn’t stop there! There…
Doggy Dental Care: 7 Most FAQ’s
Just like us humans, dogs need to have a healthy dental care routine. Why is it important? And what happens if you ignore brushing your dog’s teeth? Whether you’ve never stopped to think about canine oral care or you’ve attempted…
A list to keep: 5 Dog Friendly Plants and 5 Not So Dog Friendly Plants
We’re all enjoying the fresh air outside and want to take a little of it with us home by bringing indoor plants into our space. It helps rejuvenate, destress us, and recycles the air we breathe. Our plant babies are…