The Doggie Bowl
Discover advice and tips from experts on how to be the best dog mom or dad to your furry best friend your dog! We even have stories from dog parents like you and fun ways to celebrate our pooches. Search by category or tags to find the best content for you.
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Ask a Trainer: The Importance of Hierarchy of Dog Treats
Dog training can be frustrating, especially when you have a dog who isn’t incredibly treat-motivated! Trainers tell you to use their dinner as training rewards, but your picky eater just isn’t interested enough. We’re here to tell you about the…
5 Best Ways to Introduce your Dogs and Toddlers
Their hands are often sticky, they tend to wobble when they walk, and they scream, cry, and burst out laughing all within a span of five minutes. Toddlers are known for being mercurial, curious, and energetic, and perhaps nobody picks…
What is Food Therapy For Dogs?
Food therapy for dogs is the science of tailoring diet to an individual’s unique needs. What we feed our pets is important, especially because we often feed them the same thing every day. Food therapy is all about making smart…
What is the difference between telehealth and telemedicine?
The COVID-19 pandemic helped provide new insight into understanding that while there are some tasks that must be done in person, there are others that can be performed just as effectively virtually. This realization also happened in the veterinary industry! With…
5 Things To Keep In Mind When Preparing for Someone to Watch Your Dog
You’ve found a great friend or sitter to watch and you’re ready to jet off to your next vacation spot. Before you head out the door, here are some things to consider to make your dog’s experience as smooth as…
A list to keep: 5 Dog Friendly Plants and 5 Not So Dog Friendly Plants
We’re all enjoying the fresh air outside and want to take a little of it with us home by bringing indoor plants into our space. It helps rejuvenate, destress us, and recycles the air we breathe. Our plant babies are…
Dear Mary Puppins: We’re having some house training problems
Hannah Richter (aka Mary Puppins) is a certified dog trainer and current instructor at Andrea Arden Dog Training in NYC. If you have something you want to ask Mary Puppins be sure to email us at jamie@dogspotted.com!
5 Underrated Apartment-Friendly Dog Breeds
Enjoying city life? Is your apartment smaller than a walk-in closet? When it comes to housing a pooch in an apartment, size does matter. Long legs and giant paws don’t typically thrive in tiny living spaces. Even with cramped quarters,…
What is SNARR Northeast Rescue and Rehabilitation?
SNARR Northeast stands for Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit and rely solely on donations and volunteers. We were founded in 2011 by Courtney Bellew and this will be our 10th year saving dogs…
4 Reasons Why Your Dog is Licking You
Most dogs have a phase where they lick anything and everything around them. Your leg? Lick. Your couch? Lick. It drives some people crazy, especially because they have no idea why they do it. That’s why we’re here to give…