The Doggie Bowl
Discover advice and tips from experts on how to be the best dog mom or dad to your furry best friend your dog! We even have stories from dog parents like you and fun ways to celebrate our pooches. Search by category or tags to find the best content for you.
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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
How to Train your Dog to go in their Travel Bag (and love it!)
As obsessed dog parents, we want to take our dogs everywhere with us. But how can we make the process smooth? For little kids, a bribe of a new toy may do the trick. For dogs, it’s not that easy……
How to Register your Dog to Become a Therapy Dog
If you’re anything like me, there are some days that you can’t imagine getting through without your dog. The type of emotional connection and support dogs can give you wordlessly can’t be matched. That’s why therapy dogs can be so…
New City? No Problem! How to Help Your Dog Adjust
Moving cities can be fun and an opportunity for new adventure, but a lot of us are creatures of habit (our dogs included) and moving can come along with stress! How can you bring your pup along for the adventure…
Best Hikes In The Pacific Northwest For You And Your Pet
We often get the question of “where can I go hiking with my dog?” And we LOVE this question because incorporating hikes into life can improve your pup’s health and happiness – and maybe even yours too! Taking in the…
Dear Mary Puppins: How do I Best Travel with a Dog?
Hannah Richter (aka Mary Puppins) is a certified dog trainer and current instructor at Andrea Arden Dog Training in NYC. If you have something you want to ask Mary Puppins be sure to email us at woof@dogspotted.com!
8 Tips on Flying With your Dog (with bonus airline by airline info)
I don’t know about you but after the tough year we’ve all had, the one thing I’m most looking forward to is traveling again and there’s no one I’d rather go on a vacation with than my beloved pooches. Back…
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results